Thursday, June 26, 2008

Last Minute Leaving Things

Ok, I have to make a list of things to do tomorrow, last minute. So I figured I'd make the list here, just for kicks, then the world can know what kind of last minute things are to be done upon leaving a country. This is really for me too though, so I don't forget anything.
- ask Laura if she can take Ax's computer until he can come pick it up
- send Ax a message with Laura's number and where to pick it up (sorry I won't get to see him!)
- go to ATM and make double sure there's no money in my account
- post office to ship a few boxes
- eat the last two cherry popsicles and defrost fridge.
- give Grace bike lock key :(
- give bags of food & clothes to garbage lady
2pm meet landlord and electric meter guy, settle last two money things
2:30-3pm - LEAVE for airport!!!
Oh, TAKE MORE PICTURES!!! (of Grace & Laura maybe)

This lady owns the little shop you see and sells cigarettes, drinks, ice cream, phone cards, etc. I often bought gallons of water from her, and sometimes an ice cream when the mood struck. She was both embarrassed and flattered I wanted to take a picture to remember her.

This is a horrible picture of me so I made it small, haha. That guy is my favorite of the doorguards. He's always so peaceful and smiley. See that basket? I gave it to him with candy in it. I MADE that basket in high school in Mrs. Hasselman's class. I soaked the strips of woody stuff and weaved it myself. I have no idea why I brought it to China, I was always attached to it for some reason, but I think it's time to let it go. I'm glad I thought to give it to him. He's a good person to have such a thing. Weird, I know.
:) And he has my kid's dumbbells.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Concentrate to the things that could give information to the people.